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Define your career path

Learn new skills from the best instructors with simple and creative video tutorials

The answer to all of your skills problems


Jack OldwinDesigner

It's the best skill earning site I have ever seen! I became an expert in just 27 hours. Mike Sanders was a great presenter and with the additional coaching hours I bought, all my questions were answered with a live representative. I strongly recommend this site

How it works

Bite-sized learning

We use the latest science to provide training via 'bite-sized' (3-6 min) video tutorials, so that all lessons are delivered in convenient and retainable doses. Bite-sized videos are one of the most effective, fun and engaging ways to learn online

“The modules are just the right length. Informative and motivating!”
“It only takes few minutes a day! Great course.”
“Extremely easy to learn and very convenient.”
“Easy to use and teaches you exactly what you need to know.”
“I think the evaluation test is a must do.”

Personalized training

You can take a placement test to identify areas of strengths and weaknesses. We then create a personalized course to show you which areas to focus on, saving you time and accelerating your learning

Learn at your own place

Enjoy on-demand and unlimited 24/7 access to your course. Be free to learn at your own pace, in your own time and from any device

“Simple and Informative. Easily fits into a busy schedule.”
“Great program! Easy to understand. Short tutorials, which are great for on-the-go people.”
“Nice to be able to do an actual ‘on-line course’ that is not tied to the college schedule.”
“Awesome! I learned so much faster than in a classroom.”
“The instructor made it so easy to understand through his different techniques and scenarios, shown with basic logic and lingo to get you through the testing – was outstanding! Kudos!”

Learn from award-winning instructors

We’ve handpicked the world’s top experts to develop high-quality courses tailored to your needs

Get coaching hours

You can purchase additional hours of training. Take advantage of bundle package pricing or simply buy an extra hour. Our live instructors are ready to answer your questions and guide you in your learning process

“Virinder was very helpful and answered all my questions”
“My instructor was so knowledgeable that a simple hour with him helped me become a skill expert with Excel!”
“I bought 9 coaching hours of Photoshop and my instructor's schedule was very flexible and available whenever I wanted”
“I would recommend to everyone at my work!”
“User friendly online training system. You can’t go wrong with this!”

Impress, amaze and get ahead!

Keep your skills relevant for ever-changing workplace requirements and stay ahead of the curve